Sunday, December 11, 2016

Threenager Blues and cotton balls with glue.

I don't remember when I was three but when it was cold out I'm sure I wasn't happy. My sweet girl has cabin fever and I swear she is going crazy. I want so badly to take her somewhere and let her have some fun but there is nothing freev in life except the park and it's to darn cold. This Momma was thinking about a go find account just for my sanity! Luckily I googled and googled and found something for her to do yesterdat. Even though it required a lot of parental guidance. Cotton balls were my best friend, plates and glue helped out too! She was so proud of the turn out that she just had to shoe her Memaw and Pawpaw. Become the cotton ball queen with your little one today!
Pretty cute right! I totally get why my mom has a box of stuff I made as a Kid. I couldn't be more excited for Paislie when she was done. She looked so excited about her accomplishment. Anyway, there's tot a quick idea for a stuck in the house too cold day!

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